Installing Harbour on osx

In this blog post I will describe how to install basic Harbour on mac osx. It is a really basic installation but it is also fully functional. In the next blog post I will describe how to install Qt and hbQt to create software that can run on Windows, linux and osx.

From your osx gui, install XCode from the App Store. I then used ssh to connect from another server or you can open a terminal window on osx.

First of all we need to accept the XCode license, and we can do this just by invoking one executable.

sudo git

Follow the on-screen instructions to confirm the license.

As usual, I will run Harbour from a directory and I won’t install it system-wide: with this setup I can have multiple different versions available. I will clone the repository with git in order to receive upstream commits.

git clone harbour
Cloning into 'harbour'...
remote: Counting objects: 275833, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (76/76), done.
remote: Total 275833 (delta 13), reused 3 (delta 3), pack-reused 275754
Receiving objects: 100% (275833/275833), 116.30 MiB | 297.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (216982/216982), done.
Checking connectivity... done.

cd harbour
make -j 4

On my mac mini end-2015 it took less than 2 minutes to complete. I then run


Harbour Regression Test Suite
Copyright (c) 1999-2016, Viktor Szakats

      Version: Harbour 3.2.0dev (r1606292102)
     Compiler: LLVM/Clang C 7.3 (clang-703.0.31) (64-bit)
           OS: Darwin 15.5.0 x86_64
   Date, Time: 2016-07-01 17:25:22
Shortcut opt.: On
R No.  Line            TestCall()                               -> Result                                                                                | Expected
!  613 MAIN_HVMA(368)  saArray[ 1000 ]
       Result: "E 2 BASE 1132 Bound error (array access) OS:0 #:0 A:2:A:{.[1].};N:1000 "
     Expected: "E 2 BASE 1132 Bound error (array access) OS:0 #:0 "
!  614 MAIN_HVMA(369)  saArray[ 1000 ] := 1
       Result: "E 2 BASE 1133 Bound error (array assign) OS:0 #:0 A:1:N:1000 "
     Expected: "E 2 BASE 1133 Bound error (array assign) OS:0 #:0 "
!  743 MAIN_HVMA(541)  RTSTR( 00000500000000000000 )
       Result: " 16  500000000000000"
     Expected: " 21       500000000000000"
!  744 MAIN_HVMA(542)  RTSTR( 0500000000000000 )
       Result: " 16  500000000000000"
     Expected: " 17   500000000000000"
! 1088 MAIN_MATH(354)  Str( 1234567890 * 1234567890 )
       Result: " 1524157875019052100"
     Expected: " 1524157875019052000"
! 2894 MAIN_ARRAY(158) ASize( NIL )
       Result: "E 1 BASE 2023 Argument error (ASIZE) OS:0 #:0 A:1:U:NIL "
     Expected: "E 1 BASE 2023 Argument error (ASIZE) OS:0 #:0 "
! 2895 MAIN_ARRAY(159) ASize( {} )
       Result: "E 1 BASE 2023 Argument error (ASIZE) OS:0 #:0 A:1:A:{.[0].} "
     Expected: "E 1 BASE 2023 Argument error (ASIZE) OS:0 #:0 "
! 2896 MAIN_ARRAY(160) ASize( ErrorNew() )
       Result: "E 1 BASE 2023 Argument error (ASIZE) OS:0 #:0 A:1:O:ERROR Object "
     Expected: "E 1 BASE 2023 Argument error (ASIZE) OS:0 #:0 "
! 2897 MAIN_ARRAY(169) ASize( NIL, 0 )
       Result: "E 1 BASE 2023 Argument error (ASIZE) OS:0 #:0 A:2:U:NIL;N:0 "
     Expected: "E 1 BASE 2023 Argument error (ASIZE) OS:0 #:0 "
! 2898 MAIN_ARRAY(170) ASize( NIL, 1 )
       Result: "E 1 BASE 2023 Argument error (ASIZE) OS:0 #:0 A:2:U:NIL;N:1 "
     Expected: "E 1 BASE 2023 Argument error (ASIZE) OS:0 #:0 "
! 2899 MAIN_ARRAY(171) ASize( NIL, -1 )
       Result: "E 1 BASE 2023 Argument error (ASIZE) OS:0 #:0 A:2:U:NIL;N:-1 "
     Expected: "E 1 BASE 2023 Argument error (ASIZE) OS:0 #:0 "
! 2922 MAIN_ARRAY(213) Array( 1, 0, -10 )
       Result: "E 2 BASE 1131 Bound error (array dimension) OS:0 #:0 A:3:N:1;N:0;N:-10 "
     Expected: "E 2 BASE 1131 Bound error (array dimension) OS:0 #:0 "
! 3061 MAIN_ARRAY(396) TAEVSM()
       Result: "N10N 9N 8N 7N 6         5"
     Expected: "N10N 9N 8N 7N 6N 5N 4N 3N 2N 1         0"
! 3062 MAIN_ARRAY(397) TASOSM1()
       Result: "NN 5NN 4         3{ 2, 1, 3 }"
     Expected: "NN 5NN 4NN 3NN 2NN 1NN 0NN 0NN 0NN 0NN 0NN 0NN 0         0{  }"
! 3063 MAIN_ARRAY(398) TASOSM2()
       Result: "NN 5NN 4         3{ 2, 1, 3 }"
     Expected: "NN 5NN 4NN 3NN 2NN 1NN 0NN 0NN 0NN 0NN 0         0{  }"
! 3183 MAIN_MISC(87)   Set( 40  )
       Result: 0
     Expected: NIL
! 3192 MAIN_MISC(97)   Set( 40 , -1 )
       Result: 0
     Expected: NIL
Test calls passed:       4757 ( 99.64 % )
Test calls failed:         17 ( 0.36 % )
            Total:       4774 ( Time elapsed: 0.02 seconds )

WARNING ! Failures detected

to test that everything is fine. And of course it is. Otherwise it won’t complete Harbour build.

Now to complete the installation, I create a script in the user root directory that sets the enviromental variables to the path where I compiled Harbour.


And now I can login, set the environment and use harbour as needed:

harbour -build
Harbour 3.2.0dev (r1606292102)
Copyright (c) 1999-2016,

Harbour Build Info
Version: Harbour 3.2.0dev (r1606292102)
Compiler: LLVM/Clang C 7.3 (clang-703.0.31) (64-bit)
Platform: Darwin 15.5.0 x86_64
PCode version: 0.3
ChangeLog last entry: 2016-06-29 23:02 UTC+0200 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/
ChangeLog ID: f8ec6e2c46068d3f1759c4d75a8f982fc391fb9e
Built on: Jul  1 2016 17:21:51
Build options: (Clipper 5.3b) (Clipper 5.x undoc)

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